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The Rules...

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The Rules... Empty The Rules...

Post  Spyro12321 Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:24 am

This is the official rules of the forum. Follow these and your time here will be enjoyable.

These rules will be easy to remember, because most are out of common sense and manners.

1. No Spam:
Spamming is anything that has nothing to do with the thread your
posting in. (Or category.) THIS ALSO MEANS, no begging or asking for
free things.

2. No Hacking Discussion: You cannot discuss hacks on the forum. YOU WILL BE PERMA BANNED IF YOU DO.

3. No Advertising:
Unless you have a official website for your club or team, and you put
think link in your club post, advertising is against the rules. You can
advertise, however, in your signature or in the Advertising sub-forum.

4. No Swearing/Cursing We have word filters here, no foul language is tolerated, no abbreviations, no using the cute little *.

5. No Double Posting:
DO NOT POST TWICE IN A ROW. You can simply press the "Edit" button and
add it to your post. This simply means that you need to wait for
someone else to post again before you can. If you post the same thing
twice because of a computer glitch, edit your second post to tell us
and we'll have a moderator fix it. However, if your double post is
CONTRIBUTING to the thread and it is after 24 hours, you will not be
given an infraction. (Warning.)

6. No Adult Material:
This includes pornography and explict content such as drugs. Please do
not post anything like this as you will be banned. (This also includes

7. Respect Moderators and forum users We
will not tolerate bad behavior towards other members of the forum. Do
not be rude to other users because of something that they can't do, or
something that you don't like. Respect their effort and please,
constructive criticism only. (If you are fighting with another user,
you both could be punished, please use the report button instead of

8. Threads Directed at Yourself: Do
not direct any threads to yourself, or to others if it's a rant on the
forum, such as "Do you think I'm selfish?" or "Kelly just wanted to let
you know your new penguin hair looks great". Use Private messaging for
this. You can use, "What happened to wwe adam?"

9. Do not post in hard to read colors: Some computers show a hard time reading colors such as yellow and white so don't use them.

10. Don't bump old threads If the thread your in is over a month old, then don't post in it unless you have a true contribution to share.

11. Use proper grammar
We don't appreciate you using abbreviations for things such as thanks,
(thx). Please use the full word. We will allow the exception of, "Lol".

12. Do not spam the report system If we see your reporting things with reasons like 'OMG LOL HAHA' then you will receive an infraction per report you spam.

13. No Double Accounts
If you want a username change ask in Forum Support but only create 1
account if you create 2, your 2nd account will be banned forever.

are the main forum rules and I know you'll have a good time by
following them. Please do not whine or complain about infractions or
bans unless you are sure they are unfair. Which you can ask in the
forum support section.


1. How can I become a moderator?
We are always looking for new moderators, so we will contact YOU if we
want you to be one. Not the other way around. (Please don't ask to be a

2. What is a warning/infraction?
You receive these for breaking forum rules. Receive 5 - 7 and you will
be permanently banned. (In some cases, a 2 week to 1 month ban will be

3. Can I become a moderator even after I was banned? YES YOU CAN! Just work your way back up and be a good little penguin.

4. Why do I have a "Please read the rules" rank? This is just a forum rank for when you first start the forum. It will go away when you achieve 10 posts.

5. I have a lot of posts, can I brag about it? No. This forum is not completely about popularity, nobody likes a bragger.

You'll need to click "Always attach my signature" in the "Preferences"
section of your profile. You can always turn this off later. There is
also an attach signature button under every post in options.

7. When I'm on, "Users online" there is a huge map! What if someone checks where I live?
This goes to your internet provider. Any site you visit can find this,
it is in your I.P. address, which stands for Internet protocol address.

8. Why do I keep getting emailed every time somebody replies to my post?
You can disable this by un-checking the, "Notify me of replies button
or going to your profile and in preferences turn off "Always notify me
of replies". You can always set this back on later.

You must follow these rules or your account will result in infraction/warning and/or ban.

Thank you,

Posts : 7
Join date : 2008-11-25
Age : 28
Location : England

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