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Jitsu-Card cheat and catchin waves and coffee shop

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Jitsu-Card cheat and catchin waves and coffee shop Empty Catchin waves cheat

Post  Dj Spinboy Thu Nov 27, 2008 5:44 pm

The catchin waves cheat really helped. now i have lots of money
Dj Spinboy
Dj Spinboy

Posts : 10
Join date : 2008-11-27

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Jitsu-Card cheat and catchin waves and coffee shop Empty Jitsu-Card cheat and catchin waves and coffee shop

Post  Wall2031 Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:29 pm

First off the kitsu card one just go to "awards" then keep going down until you see a packet of cards(not much help nothing but just you can see a box etc etc)

Catchin waves cheat Go to catchin waves keep pressing "W" on keyboard and you keep getting 10 points

Coffee Shop Just click the board behind counter nothing much but just changes

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Join date : 2008-11-26
Age : 32
Location : Ireland

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